搜学搜课 > 资讯> 深圳福田区启德教育暑假雅思培训班地址电话名单榜首一览


来源:深圳南山区启德雅思培训学校时间:2024/5/7 15:58:49
深圳福田区启德教育暑假雅思培训班地址电话名单榜首一览,深圳雅思培训机构哪家比较好?小编推荐启德教育.启德考培是雅思,托福等出国语言培训机构,多年来专注于SAT,雅思,托福,ACT等出国考试培训,每年助6000余学子达成梦想,顺利进入名 校.启德考培先进的教学模式,研发团队及专业服务监督体系,确保学员短 期内得到大提升,有比较好的成绩.面是我整理的在深圳比较好的雅思培训机构,供大家参考.(以下内容仅供参考,排名不分先后)













Can you explain why some people always have their plans but some are not?

Well,the reasons may vary between different people but mainly I believe it is their personality.Some people are very organized.Generally,they won’t rush into anything until they figure the whole thing out.But there are also some people who are really impatient.Once there is something happens they just kind of get into it right away.For example,I am not a really patient person so that my planning skills are horrible.My girlfriend on the other hand,she is perfect in planning and organizing.So we just…hit you know.Like our holiday plan she did the most of it and I just contributed a few ideas.

Do you have any study plan?Why?

Well…yeah,kind of.I wanted to learn Japanese for a long time but I won’t call it exactly a plan because I didn’t plan any details regards on when I will start or which institution I am going to sign up.Actually,you know what,since you mentioned about it I really do think I need to enter a plan and get it started.I will do some research after I get back home this afternoon.

Someone says you cannot success without a plan,what do you think?

Well,I think it is understandable but not necessarily to be accurate.In fact,there are lots of examples people get successful overnight or by some incidents.For example,there is an actor in china named chen bing qiang,who was an assistant in a movie shooting set.There was one opportunity presented that one of the actor got sick and the director choose him to cover for the actor.To everyone’s surprise he became famous overnight and lots of offer arrived.As a normal assistant,he become really successful compared with others and this was definitely not a plan.So…

How teenager do their career plan?Why?

Well,in china,generally adolescents would consult with their parents or teachers in terms of their future career.In fact,it is also common that some parents make those decisions for their children’s career because in their mind,their children are still too immature to make big decisions.Kids on the other hand,can be really irresponsible most of the time and their minds shifts all the time.So I suppose it is a good idea to get the parents involved in making career plans for the future.

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