搜学搜课 > 资讯> 深圳福田区排在榜首的雅思英语培训机构十大榜单公布


来源:深圳南山区启德雅思培训学校时间:2024/5/7 15:55:31
深圳福田区排在榜首的雅思英语培训机构十大榜单公布,深圳雅思培训机构哪家比较好?小编推荐启德教育.启德考培是雅思,托福等出国语言培训机构,多年来专注于SAT,雅思,托福,ACT等出国考试培训,每年助6000余学子达成梦想,顺利进入名 校.启德考培先进的教学模式,研发团队及专业服务监督体系,确保学员短 期内得到大提升,有比较好的成绩.面是我整理的在深圳比较好的雅思培训机构,供大家参考.(以下内容仅供参考,排名不分先后)













You should say:

Where is it?

Who uses it?

Why people go there?




I would like to talk about a shopping centre that I want to go to.

This is the largest shopping centre of the city and is probably the most popular one.This shopping centre is in the middle of the city and is 20 stories.You can find almost everything in this shopping centre and the reasonable prices and quality of the products have made it a popular shopping mall where people from all classes come to shop.You name it and you can find it here;from grocery shop to 3D cinema,the food-court to the playground,gym and thousands of shopping shops are there.The market authority imposes a strict rule about the quality and price and that's why you can find products at a reasonable price here.The neat and clean environment,the rigid security,the arranged shops and shopping convenience are the main reasons I visit this shopping mall very often.There is a dedicated floor only for social gathering and there you can sit and talk to your friends as long as you like.

I go there almost 2-3 times in a month.If there are more shopping to do,or if it is before any major festival,I go there more than 2-3 times.I go there not only for shopping but also sometimes for social gathering,party,to have lunch or dinner or to watch a movie.

There are many positive reasons why this shopping centre is popular among the visitors and shoppers including security,reasonable price,shopping convenience,the position of the shopping centre,and convenience of parking,open space and neat environments.The interior and exterior of the shopping mall are very attractive.In the front of the building,you will find a large open space,more like a big park or a garden.You can sit there for a long and no one is going to ask you to go away!


地道用词:reasonable prices

social gathering

interior and exterior

句型:You can find almost everything in this shopping centre and the reasonable prices and quality of the products have made it a popular shopping mall where people from all classes come to shop.

You name it and you can find it here;from grocery shop to 3D cinema,the food-court to the playground,gym and thousands of shopping shops are there.

There are many positive reasons why this shopping centre is popular among the visitors and shoppers including security,reasonable price,shopping convenience,the position of the shopping centre,and convenience of parking,open space and neat environments.

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