搜学搜课 > 资讯> 雅思考试辅导培训深圳哪个机构好有什么推荐名单榜首一览


来源:深圳南山区启德雅思培训学校时间:2024/5/7 15:57:05
雅思考试辅导培训深圳哪个机构好有什么推荐名单榜首一览,深圳雅思培训机构哪家比较好?小编推荐启德教育.启德考培是雅思,托福等出国语言培训机构,多年来专注于SAT,雅思,托福,ACT等出国考试培训,每年助6000余学子达成梦想,顺利进入名 校.启德考培先进的教学模式,研发团队及专业服务监督体系,确保学员短 期内得到大提升,有比较好的成绩.面是我整理的在深圳比较好的雅思培训机构,供大家参考.(以下内容仅供参考,排名不分先后)













You should say:

when and where the incident you remember happened

who you were with

what happened exactly

and explain why it is a happy memory.


I grew up very far from most of my family so I only saw them once a year.Every summer I would go to stay with them,while my parents continued working.Although I missed my parents,I used to really enjoy spending time with my grandparents,cousins,aunts and uncles.I spent all summer there,nearly two whole months,so from time to time my cousins and I would get bored.We would ask my grandparents if they had any ideas for interesting things we could do.Sometimes they suggested going for a bike ride,sometimes into town to do some shopping.At other times,they showed us a new game to play.Then we were happy again.

One day it must be about 30 years ago(doesn't time fly!)-all of us got really,really bored and we kept complaining to my grandparents.They were tearing their hair out,trying to think up ideas of where we could go and what we could do.Suddenly,my granddad came up with the idea of going to a new water park that had opened that summer.I hadn't heard about it but my cousins had,and they told me all about it.It was a park with vast numbers of different pools,some inside,some outside.There were water slides as well.And,on top of there was not one,but two playgrounds with swings,a merry-go-round,see-saws.We were so excited.

We set off and on the way we were all singing songs and laughing.We couldn't wait to get there.When we arrived,my cousins and I ran into the park and changed into our swimming costumes.Then we went looking for the most exciting-looking pool,and we found it,one with brightly coloured tiles and slides,we jumped straight in.We played all day in the park and had a lovely lunch,sat on some benches in the sunshine.

My granddad loved a pool that was filled with spa water.It was dark brown and stank of rotten eggs.I didn't want to go in but he eventually convinced me.I'm pleased he did because the water was really warm.I'd never swam in water that warm.I didn't want to get out,despite the terrible smell.

I consider it such a happy memory because we enjoyed ourselves so much and I remember so vividly how I felt that day.But there's more to it than just that.When I look back now,I understand how caring my grandparents were and how much they wanted us all to be happy.They would have done anything to help us have a good time.I appreciate that more now that I'm older and have children of my own.I hope we thanked them;I can't remember.But,anyway,they were content,I'm sure,to just watch us have an amazing time,playing and laughing in the water.So,as you can see,it was a wonderful day and is one of my favourite childhood memories.

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