搜学搜课 > 资讯> 深圳10大口碑推荐好的的出国雅思辅导机构名单榜首一览


来源:深圳南山区启德雅思培训学校时间:2024/5/7 15:58:01
深圳10大口碑推荐好的的出国雅思辅导机构名单榜首一览,深圳雅思培训机构哪家比较好?小编推荐启德教育.启德考培是雅思,托福等出国语言培训机构,多年来专注于SAT,雅思,托福,ACT等出国考试培训,每年助6000余学子达成梦想,顺利进入名 校.启德考培先进的教学模式,研发团队及专业服务监督体系,确保学员短 期内得到大提升,有比较好的成绩.面是我整理的在深圳比较好的雅思培训机构,供大家参考.(以下内容仅供参考,排名不分先后)














儿童类题目是指题目中出现“child”“children”等关键词的题目,如:What are the effects of playing indoor games on children?这类题目在雅思口语Part1中较为常见,几乎所有话题都可以针对儿童进行提问,题目的数量十分多,因此我们很有必要将儿童类的题目进行细分。



1.对儿童的影响这类题目主要讨论某事对于儿童的影响,以及某事对孩子是有利还是有害,例如以下问题:For children,what do you think are the benefits of reading?Is it good for children to do more hands-on activities?What effect do computers have on children?Do you think electronic games are good for children?回答这类问题时,考生应该注意从题目中的关键词出发,分不同情况进行作答,或是正面影响,或是负面影响,有时正负面影响要一起回答。因此,考生很有必要在平时积累一些某事对儿童影响的素材,例如:(1)It helps to improve children’s creativity and imagination.

(2)That would enlarge children’s mind and develop their range of interests.(3)Children can be more independent and know how to be patient and considerable.(4)It helps them to relax and enjoy their childhood.(5)It can improve their physical and mental health.(6)Their studying efficiency will be improved.(7)It is bad for their eyes,and even their general health will be damaged.(8)They may become addicted to it and don’t want to study any more.(9)They may lose themselves in it and form some really bad habits.关于儿童影响类题目语言方面的积累,考生可以参考影响类常用句型。

2.儿童的喜好这类题目主要讨论儿童对某事是喜欢,还是讨厌,以及他们对事物的取向,雅思口语Part1中有以下一些题目属于这种类型:What kind of clothes do children usually wear?What do children do when they have a birthday party?Why do children like to draw or paint?What sorts of indoor games do children play now?What sorts of indoor games do you think children will be playing in the future?要想回答好这类问题,我们很有必要积累一些关于喜好类的句型,例如:(1)enjoy doing…(2)be crazy about…(3)be a…lover.(4)There’s nothing…enjoy more than….(5)…is one of my favorite pastimes.(6)…have a particular fondness for….(7)…really go for….(8)…don’t really enjoy….(9)…don’t care for…

(10)…I can’t stand…

3.儿童应不应该做某事这类题目中都带有“should”“important”等关键词,例如:Do you think primary school children should have sports classes at school,why or why not?Do you think children should learn a foreign language from a very early age?Should children learn a certain skill in their early age?Is it important for a child to do housework?回答这类问题时,考生可以借鉴儿童影响类的思路,通过一件事对儿童正面或负面的影响,来讨论孩子是否应该做这件事。

4.儿童与其他人群对比在雅思口语Part1中,经常出现拿儿童与其他人群进行对比,较常见的一种就是儿童与成人之间的对比。例如以下问题:Are birthdays more important for children or for adults?Do children and adults celebrate birthdays the same way?回答这类问题时,考生应注意运用对比句型,具体可参考朗阁海外考试研究中心在之前“类”话题的讲解中的对比句型。

5.当你是孩子时大部分人都有童年,但童年的时光大都各不一样。在雅思口语Part1中,这类题目常见的有:What books did you like when you were a child?Did you do a lot of hands-on activities in your childhood?Do you feel that weekends now are more important to you than when you were a child?When you were a child,which of your relatives do you see most often or spend the most time with?When you were a child,did you play more with your friends or with your

relatives?What toys did you like to play when you were a child?Did you prefer to play with those toys alone or with other children?Did you do a lot of housework when you were a child?What indoor games did you play when you were a child?Did you play electronic games when you were a child,why or why not?Did you go to any museums when you were a child?What did you do for entertainment when you were a child?在雅思口语考试中,回忆童年时光是一个重点,而有时考生没有办法在短暂的时间内回忆出自己的童年,这样对整体表现造成了影响。因此,考生在平时应针对回忆类的问题进行思考,这样在考试短暂的时间内,才能从容应对。

6.你自己的孩子这种题目主要考查考生的想象能力,常见的有:Would you send your child to the school you had have been to before?If you had children,what toys would you give them?因为这类问题都涉及到对未来情况的讨论,因此考生在回答时,应注意对未来类句型的运用,例如:(1)I would like to…in the future.(2)I can’t say it for sure,but maybe in the future,I would like to…(3)I am not sure,but I think…(4)I am not sure if I would…(5)No,….But if I…,I would like to…(6)I would if I could.

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